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Not Vital
Time:2022-04-12 Browsing times:

Not Vital was born in 1948 in Sent, Graubünden (CH).  His works are inspired by personal impressions and experiences gained on his many trips around the world. He likes travelling, and always using  local material to create his work, as this time, he decided to make several ceramic sculptures. We spent more than one year finishing these works by trying different clay with different ratio. And finally these sculptures are displayed in Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, United Kingdom.




Not Vital


Not Vital was born in 1948 in Sent, Graubünden (CH).  His works are inspired by personal impressions and experiences gained on his many trips around the world. He likes travelling, and always using  local material to create his work, as this time, he decided to make several ceramic sculptures. We spent more than one year finishing these works by trying different clay with different ratio. And finally these sculptures are displayed in Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, United Kingdom.


